Privacy Policy

Collection of Information

We collect non-personally identifiable information about you in a number of ways, 包括通过您的IP地址或最近访问的URL跟踪您的活动. However, 除非您自愿向我们提交联系信息,否则我们不会收集您的任何个人身份信息, such as name, 电话, email address, and mailing address by filling out a form or survey, registering your email address with us or emailing us. 我们也可能在我们网站上声明正在收集个人信息的其他地方收集您的个人信息.

Disclosure of Information


Use of Information

我们将个人身份信息和非个人身份信息用于内部营销目的, for trend analysis, for pattern detection, and for site administration. However, 我们不会使用从本网站收集的个人身份信息向您发送未经请求的邮件. Of course, if applicable, 我们确实使用个人身份信息来执行收集此类数据的服务(i.e., if you sign up for an email newsletter, we will send the email newsletter to the address you provide us).

我们为您提供“选择退出”将您的个人身份信息用于某些目的的机会, when we ask for this information. For example, 如果您购买信誉私彩网站/服务,但不希望从我们收到任何额外的营销材料, 您可以通过点击电子邮件页脚中的退订链接来表明您的偏好.

If you no longer wish to receive our newsletter and promotional communications, 您可以通过点击每篇时事通讯或通讯页脚中的退订链接,或通过电子邮件的回复地址向我们发送电子邮件,或通过电话949-261-9222与我们联系,选择不接收它们.

Third Party Sites

This policy only addresses our activities from our servers. Other sites (including those that we link to within an advertisement, article or otherwise, 第三方网站或与我们提供(或联合品牌)的服务可能有他们自己的政策, which we do not control, and thus are not addressed by this policy.

The forms referenced for Salesforce.我们网站上的com将直接与Salesforce拥有和运营的网站连接.com who have their own corporate privacy policy, and the policies contained herein do not apply to the data collected by them.

Review and Removal of Your Personally Identifiable Data

如果您向我们提供个人身份信息,以便我们为您提供持续的服务, 我们将为您提供一种方式来查看我们存档的信息,并更改或删除这些数据. To do so, 请通过上述邮寄或电子邮件通知我们,我们将为您提供您的联系信息以供审核. To make changes, 将更改信息发送给我们,我们将在收到请求后三十(30)天内对您的访问请求作出回应. Unfortunately, to the extent that such information is also stored in other databases, 我们不能总是保证这些更正或删除将到达其他数据库. 如果您希望从我们的记录中删除您在网上提供给我们的信息, 请将您提交给我们的信息按上述地址提供给我们. 我们将尽一切合理努力确保您的信息从我们的记录中删除.

Cookies and Other Tracking Methods

When you view our website, we might store some information on your computer. This information will be in the form of a “cookie” or similar file. cookie是存储在您的硬盘驱动器上的小块信息,而不是存储在我们的网站上. Cookies, which are tied to personal information, do not spy on you or otherwise invade your privacy, and they cannot invade your hard drive and steal information. Rather, they help you navigate a website as easily as possible. cookie可以帮助我们提供针对您的兴趣的信息,并使我们能够更好地了解用户如何使用我们的网站, 这反过来又帮助我们将资源集中在最受用户欢迎的功能上. You are always free to decline our cookies if your browser permits, but some parts of our site, 在这种情况下,包括我们的注册客户帐户网站可能无法正常工作.

Third Party Tracking

我们使用来自Google Analytics的第三方跟踪服务,该服务使用cookie来跟踪我们网站访问者的页面访问汇总信息, time on page, 访问者跳出率,使我们的网站更好,更有信息给我们的访问者.

Legal Disclosure

我们保留根据法律要求以及我们认为有必要披露您的个人身份信息以保护我们的权利和/或遵守司法程序的权利, court order, or legal process served on our Web site.


我们使用行业标准的方法来保护您的个人身份信息免遭未经授权的访问. Among other techniques, 我们通常将这些信息存储在防火墙后面的安全位置的计算机上, 我们经常限制内部可以访问这些数据的员工数量. Of course, there is no such thing as “perfect security” on the Internet.



Changes in this Privacy 状态ment

If we decide to change our privacy policy, we will post those changes to this privacy statement, the home page, 以及其他我们认为合适的地方,以便您了解我们收集的信息, how we use it, and under what circumstances, if any, we disclose it.

我们保留随时修改本隐私声明的权利,因此请经常查看. If we make material changes to this policy, we will notify you here, by email, or by means of a notice on our home page.